RedshiftWrapper.MetaName module

class RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaColor[source]

Bases: object

Color2HSV = 'RSColor2HSV'
ColorAbsColor = 'RSMathAbsColor'
ColorBiasColor = 'RSMathBiasColor'
ColorComposite = 'RSColorComposite'
ColorCorrection = 'RSColorCorrection'
ColorExpColor = 'RSMathExpColor'
ColorGainColor = 'RSMathGainColor'
ColorInvColor = 'RSMathInvColor'
ColorLayer = 'RSColorLayer'
ColorMaker = 'RSColorMaker'
ColorMix = 'RSColorMix'
ColorRSHSV2Color = 'RSHSV2Color'
ColorRange = 'RSColorRange'
ColorSaturateColor = 'RSMathSaturateColor'
ColorSplitter = 'RSColorSplitter'
ColorSubColor = 'RSMathSubColor'
NodeColor = <c4d.Vector object>
class RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaEnv[source]

Bases: object

Env = 'Environment'
EnvSky = 'PhysicalSky'
NodeColor = <c4d.Vector object>
class RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaLight[source]

Bases: object

Light = 'Light'
LightDome = 'Light_Dome'
LightIes = 'Light_IES'
LightPortal = 'Light_Portal'
LightSun = 'PhysicalSun'
NodeColor = <c4d.Vector object>
class RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaMat[source]

Bases: object

MarCar = 'CarPaint'
MatArchi = 'Architectural'
MatBlender = 'MaterialBlender'
MatDefault = 'Material'
MatHair = 'Hair'
MatIncande = 'Incandescent'
MatSSS = 'SubSurfaceScatter'
MatShadow = 'MatteShadow'
MatSkin = 'Skin'
MatSprite = 'Sprite'
NodeColor = <c4d.Vector object>
class RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaMath[source]

Bases: object

MathACos = 'RSMathACos'
MathASin = 'RSMathASin'
MathATan = 'RSMathATan'
MathATan2 = 'RSMathATan2'
MathAbs = 'RSMathAbs'
MathAbsVector = 'RSMathAbsVector'
MathAdd = 'RSMathAdd'
MathAddVector = 'RSMathAddVector'
MathBias = 'RSMathBias'
MathBiasVector = 'RSMathBiasVector'
MathCos = 'RSMathCos'
MathCrossVector = 'RSMathCrossVector'
MathDiv = 'RSMathDiv'
MathDivVector = 'RSMathDivVector'
MathDotVector = 'RSMathDotVector'
MathExp = 'RSMathExp'
MathExpVector = 'RSMathExpVector'
MathFloor = 'RSMathFloor'
MathFloorVector = 'RSMathFloorVector'
MathFrac = 'RSMathFrac'
MathFracVector = 'RSMathFracVector'
MathGain = 'RSMathGain'
MathGainVector = 'RSMathGainVector'
MathInv = 'RSMathInv'
MathInvVector = 'RSMathInvVector'
MathLengthVector = 'RSMathLengthVector'
MathLn = 'RSMathLn'
MathLnVector = 'RSMathLnVector'
MathLog = 'RSMathLog'
MathLogVector = 'RSMathLogVector'
MathMax = 'RSMathMax'
MathMaxVector = 'RSMathMaxVector'
MathMin = 'RSMathMin'
MathMinVector = 'RSMathMinVector'
MathMix = 'RSMathMix'
MathMixVector = 'RSMathMixVector'
MathMod = 'RSMathMod'
MathModVector = 'RSMathModVector'
MathMul = 'RSMathMul'
MathMulVector = 'RSMathMulVector'
MathNeg = 'RSMathNeg'
MathNegVector = 'RSMathNegVector'
MathNormalizeVector = 'RSMathNormalizeVector'
MathPow = 'RSMathPow'
MathPowVector = 'RSMathPowVector'
MathRSVectorToScalars = 'RSVectorToScalars'
MathRange = 'RSMathRange'
MathRangeVector = 'RSMathRangeVector'
MathRcp = 'RSMathRcp'
MathRcpVector = 'RSMathRcpVector'
MathSaturate = 'RSMathSaturate'
MathSaturateVector = 'RSMathSaturateVector'
MathSign = 'RSMathSign'
MathSignVector = 'RSMathSignVector'
MathSin = 'RSMathSin'
MathSqrt = 'RSMathSqrt'
MathSqrtVector = 'RSMathSqrtVector'
MathSub = 'RSMathSub'
MathSubVector = 'RSMathSubVector'
MathTan = 'RSMathTan'
NodeColor = <c4d.Vector object>
class RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaName[source]

Bases: RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaMat, RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaTex, RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaUtils, RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaEnv, RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaLight, RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaVolume, RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaMath, RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaColor, RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaOut

Class for storing all possibles metaname.


Get the Default color for a node given it’s type.

Parameters:nodeType (str) – The MetaName type to test.
Returns:Default color.
Return type:c4d.Vector
class RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaOut[source]

Bases: object

NodeColor = <c4d.Vector object>
Output = 'Output'
class RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaTex[source]

Bases: object

NodeColor = <c4d.Vector object>
TexAO = 'AmbientOcclusion'
TexCamMap = 'CameraMap'
TexCurvature = 'Curvature'
TexNoise = 'RSNoise'
TexRamp = 'RSRamp'
TexSampler = 'TextureSampler'
TexWire = 'WireFrame'
class RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaUtils[source]

Bases: object

NodeColor = <c4d.Vector object>
UtBaker = 'C4DBaker'
UtBump = 'BumpMap'
UtBumpBlend = 'BumpBlender'
UtConstant = '400001120'
UtDisplace = 'Displacement'
UtDisplaceBlend = 'DisplacementBlender'
UtFresnel = 'Fresnel'
UtHairAttr = 'C4DHairAttribute'
UtHairPos = 'RSHairPosition'
UtHairRandom = 'HairRandomColor'
UtNormap = 'NormalMap'
UtParticleAttr = 'ParticleAttributeLookup'
UtRaySwitch = 'RaySwitch'
UtRoundCorners = 'RoundCorners'
UtShaderSwitch = 'RSShaderSwitch'
UtState = 'State'
UtTriPlanar = 'TriPlanar'
UtUDColor = 'RSUserDataColor'
UtUDInt = 'RSUserDataInteger'
UtUDScalar = 'RSUserDataScalar'
UtUDVector = 'RSUserDataVector'
UtVertexAttr = 'VertexAttributeLookup'
class RedshiftWrapper.MetaName.MetaVolume[source]

Bases: object

NodeColor = <c4d.Vector object>
Volume = 'Volume'